Sunday, September 23, 2007
New Landlocked Sailor
Pete's back close to water, and my normal blog is having technical difficulties so I'm going to start posting here for a bit.
I'm landlocked somewhere in Germany. This has been the coldest summer I've ever experienced, and that includes the ones I spent in England. On the other hand, Sept has been pretty nice. This area seems to share the San Francisco weather pattern.
First rant: Dear CBS and Fox. Kill the sound effects you play every time you do a screen wipe during a football game. It's driving me nuts, and if I had a fancy home-theater system I think I'd be shooting at the speakers.
2nd Rant: CBS, please fire Shannon Sharpe. The man is one step away from enunciating as well as the adults in a Charlie Brown cartoon.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Day-freakin' - tona

What is the deal with this hat? What is this young "lady" trying to say?

This woman had the can of beer in her hand for the entire race. She stood and cheered her hero, Dale Jr, every time he went by.

Every lap, 200 of them, they would stand and point. I think Dale saw them, he seemed to drive harder down the "superstretch" just for them. The younger one would have a look of nervous anticipation. It seemed as if she wasn't sure that the cars would actually come by this time...
It was actually a pretty good time. Them NASCAR boys know how to put on a show, and any place where you can bring in a cooler full of beer is OK by me.
Technorati Tags: Daytona
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Me and Maj (FR) Patick:
SGT Tim:
CPT Heidi:
CPT Heidi's Christmas tree (Sent by Pam), I think it really captures the essence of spending Christmas in Kabul:
LCDR Gary, Powerpoint Ranger:
Maj Mark - Drug Czar.
Maj Ralph - Army designer:
Maj Tim - He's a lawyer in real life:
Col Stopford - our leader in Kabul:
CPT Bill, he's happy to be going home:
Maj Steve, United States Marine Corps, travel buddy to Herat:
Col Jack, the voice of reason in the War House:
LTC Kyle, NATO plans 'R Us!:
CDR Jim A.K.A Uncle Skip, fashion challenged:
Maj Chris, USAF, Planner....
Mr. Jerry - civilian planner and a straight shooter:
TSGT O, the glue that keeps the War House together;
MSGT U, our French NCO:
SFC F; Kept us all honest:
SSGT M the new, improved exec:
Maj Steve, detainee master:
These were most of my co-workes in Afghanistan, a great bunch of professionals (despite the appearances in the pictures) all of whom are dedicated to making Afghanistan a better place.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Awards Ceremony
Maj Patrick, (FR) receives the Army Commendation Medal:

The CFC-A Planners, a motley crew:

Maj Steve, CPT Andy, me and CPT Heidi:

Maj Jim's "Present"

Christmas in the 'Stan
The stockings were hung by the whiteboard with hopes that a ticket home would soon be there....

Due to security concerns, we need camoflauge Christmas hats...(I am kidding)

I don't think anyone would notice the antlers and bow on the helmet.
In fact, when at the North Pole the wearer could probably get close to the workshop undetected:

Heeerrrrees Santa!

Minimalistic Christmas tree:

Maj. real life, he is a Lawyer, yeah, I want HIM on my side....

Capt Heidi, gettin in the Christmas spirit:

Maj Jim went away for a few Norway. We missed him so. Here we are preparing for his return...Nothing like a little desk wrapping to say "we missed you":

The finished product, yes we wrapped the phones, computer, and coffee cup:

Monday, December 06, 2004
Fire is cool....

SGT Tim: Hitman...

Crowded bus, just can't imagine a scene like this in the states. Gettin' a little close there buddy aren't you?

Kids like this attach themselves to the sides of vehicles in traffic. They try to sell you things or clean your windshield. But like seagulls, if you feed them, many more will come.

Street scene:

There is a Christmas door decorating contest on the compound. This is my entry, I think it is a lock for winning:

Sunday, December 05, 2004
So....What do YOU do for Fun??
Col George, from the UK, departed. He was our boss and a pretty good one at that.
Here he is at his farewell party. Yes, the beer is non-alcoholic.

A "friendly" card game.....

The making of "Professor" Jim...."What did you say my waist was?"

Maj Jim gets down to check a rug. He didn't know what I was doing. What am I doing?

Maj Patrick (From France) Doing his Yasser Arafat (He is still dead) impersonation.
Me making the coffee, apparently this doesn't happen too often. Well there are CPTs in the office.
Cleaning up the silly string under a barrage of water pistols:
The aftermath. We better clean this place up before the cleaning guy comes back:
A group goes to a local orphanage each Friday. Maj Chris and some kids:
Soccer is pretty popular in Afghanistan:
Cpt Andy, he is from West Virginia.....